See also Generics. The dictionary inherits from DictionaryBase.
Public Class cDictionary
Inherits DictionaryBase
Public Sub Add(ByVal oKey As Object, ByVal oItem As Object)
Me.Dictionary.Add(oKey, oItem)
End Sub
Public Sub Remove(ByVal oKey As Object)
End Sub
Public Function DoesExist(ByVal oKey As Object) As Boolean
Return (Me.Dictionary.Contains(oKey))
End Function
Public Property Item(ByVal oKey As Object) As Object
Return DirectCast(Me.Dictionary.Item(oKey), Object)
End Get
Set(ByVal value)
Me.Dictionary.Item(oKey) = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim oDictionary As New cDictionary
With oDictionary
.Add("111", "Jack")
.Add("222", "Jill")
.Add("333", "Humpty")
.Add("444", "Dumbpty")
.Item("555") = "Zoro"
If .DoesExist("555") Then
oResult = .Item("555")
End If
End Sub
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