1. Attributes:
    Regardless of the language being used, some aspects of the application can’t be expressed with plain executable statements. For example, each language offers its own way to define project level properties (name, version etc.). The .Net attributes solves these problems and offer a streamlined standardized way to associate additional information with specific pieces of code. In practice, attributes let us extend the metadata associated with with an assembly.
    Attributes require System.ComponentModel. Attributes can not be referenced from code.

    Imports System.ComponentModel
    Public Class cAttributes

    Public Property PropName()
    ''Code goes here
    End Get
    Set (ByVal value)
    ''Code goes here
    End Set
    End Property
    End Class
    Conditional Attributes:
    #If Condifiton Then
    Sub SubName ()
    ''Code goes here
    End Sub
    #End If


    Sub SubName()
    ''Code goes here
    End Sub

    Obsolete Attributes:
    Note: This is just a reminder for programmers, this does not mean that the compiler will ignore this sub.

    Sub SubName()
    ''Code goes here
    End Sub
    Attributes Programming in VB.NET

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